Monday, December 31, 2012

Cheers and Jeers: Let's Do 2012 Again! (Part III)

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It's almost over. It's First and goal with seconds on the clock. Prepare to spike the pink slips, food stamps, cheesy grits, and foreclosure notices in the end zone and then chuck 'em off the fiscal cliff. 2012 is about to become an ex-year.

Once again we find ourselves saying that without all the Republican obstruction and pettiness, we'd be ending the year in noticeably better shape. But'no. In the never-ending game of tug-of-war between the teabaggers and Democrats, We The People are the ones who ended up stuck in the mud again.

On the other hand, if you point this year at a funhouse mirror, you could pull a groin muscle from laughter: serves-ya-right laughter as Mitt Romney's 47% video seals his doom, nervous laughter as Clint Eastwood dresses down an empty chair, mocking laughter as Paul Ryan washes clean dishes for a photo-op and claims to be the fastest man alive, and good old schadenfreudalistic laughter as Karl Rove's brilliance melts into a gooey puddle of fail. 2012 was like a 365-day-long roast of Republicans, which is ironic since they still believe the world is cooling.

Anyway. Below the fold is the thrilling conclusion---September through five minutes ago---of our flashback series, 2012: Is It 2013 Yet? As we await the descent of the giant ball (HuhHuhHuh'he said giant ball) in Times Square, all the writers, editors, gaffers, key grips, fuzzy critters and caterers at C&J wish you a festive New Year's Eve and a tolerable 2013, stuffed with cash, pie, basic sanitation and lots of warm 'n fuzzy gettingalongness.

Your portal to the past starts below the fold... [Swoosh!!] Right now! [Gong!!]

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