Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cheers and Jeers: Let's Do 2012 Again! (Part 2)

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Yesterday we recapped the first four months of 2012, sealed 'em in a lockbox, wrapped the lockbox in chains and tossed it off a pier. They can never hurt us again.

This evening we dispense with the middle third of the year, starting with May. Actually, one of the seminal moments of that month would linger under the radar before bursting on the scene in September: Mitt Romney's campaign-killing rant against half of the country in what has become known as his "moocher speech." We'd be shirking our historical duty for not pointing that out.

Otherwise, it was the summer of The Mars Rover, the Netroots Nation convention in Providence, Burger King's "bacon sundae," the Supreme Court's blessing on Obamacare, the London Olympics, the Aurora massacre, serial liar Mitt Romney choosing serial liar Paul Ryan to be his running mate, "legitimate rape," and Clint Eastwood's televised chat with an empty chair. Oh, and despite veterinarians' best efforts to save it, the zoo penguin that bit Newt Gingrich succumbs to Gingrich poisoning.

Below the fold is the second of our three-part series called, 2012: Is It 2013 Yet? We've rounded up some great pics, stats and newsy bits from May through August. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll beg me to seal this post in a lockbox, wrap it in chains, and toss it off a pier. I'll be happy to oblige.

Your wormhole to the past opens up below the fold...[Swoosh!!] Right now! [Gong!!]

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