Saturday, December 29, 2012

This week in science: good riddance 2012

Teachers in spaaaace Hurricane Sandy may turn out to be the final coffin nail in the lucrative climate change denial industry. They're still powerful, they're still kicking, but there are signs it's mostly death jags at this point. Sadly, they've done serious damage already:
Future climate change will depend on the energy choices we make today and how the climate system responds to our emissions. The United States and other countries have pledged to limit warming to no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels. But policies currently in place won't meet that goal. Instead, we're on track to experience more than 7 degrees of warming by the end of the century. That wouldn't be a "new normal." That would be a different planet.
That's no exaggeration. Seven degrees could ultimately mean no permanent ice cap on either pole, weather erratic to say the least, coastlines unrecognizable, and hurricanes that might better be called hypercanes. Odds are we're going to get a free preview of some of that stuff over the next few years. Happy 2013!
  • If Judge Roy Moore (R-Grifter) didn't exist it  might be necessary to invent him for sheer fun. His latest howler? Biological evolution is shredding the US Constitution!
  • It seems only fair, given the havoc created by tornados as recently as Christmas, that we should be able to harness these killer votices and put them to work.
  • Just. Fucking. Sad.
  • Are you a science teacher who wants to fire up your students, and maybe get one hell of a wild ride out of it in the bargain? Check this out:
    It accomplishes this by engaging their teachers through actual suborbital spaceflight for some teachers and extraordinary space related experiences and unique teaching materials for others. The end goal of Teachers In Space is to spark a transfer of passion from teachers to their students ...

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