Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Meet the Press broke gun laws; America debates whether to care

NBC Via WaPo:
NBC News asked D.C. police for permission to use a high-capacity ammunition clip as a prop on Sunday's 'Meet the Press' show, a request District authorities said Wednesday they denied.

But host David Gregory appears to have used one anyway ' and then displayed it on national television. Now D.C. police say they're investigating whether the District's gun laws were violated in the incident.

Yep, it's illegal to possess high-capacity clips in Washington, D.C., where Meet the Press is filmed. So now the police are opening an investigation.
David Benowitz, a District defense attorney who handles gun cases in D.C., Maryland and Virginia, said the ammunition charge Gregory could face is a rarely prosecuted misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. The attorney said Gregory would be permitted a jury trial.
So there you go. I have nothing to say here, so I'm just going to leave it to y'all. Oh, and David Gregory is off next Sunday for a planned vacation ... or so NBC says.

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' @MeetTheFugitive via Twitter for iPhone

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