Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ben Stein pretends to know something about national security in his putrid blast at Hillary Clinton

Ben Stein Know-it-all conspiracy-monger Ben Stein The slaying of American diplomats in Benghazi last week was Hillary Clinton's fault, says Ben Stein, and she should resign as secretary of state:
'I think there's been a very, very serious breach of decorum by Mrs. Clinton in not offering to resign over failure to protect her diplomats adequately,' Stein, a Republican, told POLITICO. 'She's in charge of the ambassadors, she's in charge of the foreign service. She absolutely should not have let those people go to Benghazi, which she knew was in a state of extreme unrest, without having adequate protections. That was a very serious mistake that cost several people their lives, and she's responsible.'
He, of course, presented no more evidence that Clinton failed in this regard than there was for the right-wing lie about the Marines at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo being forced to stand duty without ammunition.

It's anybody's guess why this ultra-right comedian-economist-creationist was asked to step outside his usual droll pronouncements at NewsMax and other conspiracy venues to take a whack at Clinton. Perhaps because the neoconservative shill has had it in for her a long time. Back in 2009, while pummeling Barack Obama, he spat out a grotesque lie at The American Spectator about her betraying America by giving the green-light for Iran to build nuclear weapons.

Not exactly a surprise from someone who was fired as a columnist from two newspapers and wrote during the third year of war in Iraq:

By a great providence, we were sent George Bush. [...] As time goes by, I come to realize that George Bush, with all of his faults, is the spiritual heir to Abraham Lincoln, to Martin Luther King, Jr., to Winston Churchill, to the late Pope John Paul II. How unbelievably lucky we are to have him, and how grateful we should be.

The terrifying part is that he will be gone from power in less than three years.

A guy with the moral obtuseness to make that hilarious-if-it-weren't-so-cringeworthy remark, who hosted an anti-evolution film so dreadful that it drew a rebuke from the Anti-Defamation League for misappropriating the Holocaust for political ends, has the chutzpah to accuse Clinton of responsibility for the slayings in Benghazi?

Fuck you, Ben Stein. No, seriously. Fuck you.

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