'I disagree with Governor Romney's insinuation that 47% of Americans believe they are victims who must depend on the government for their care. I know that the vast majority of those who rely on government are not in that situation because they want to be. People today are struggling because the government has failed to keep America competitive, failed to support job creators, and failed to get our economy back on track,' McMahon said.Yeah, except here's McMahon's problem. The very day she launched her 2012 Senate campaign, this happened:
When News 8 questioned McMahon regarding President Obama's push for higher taxes on wealthy, she said she would like everyone to pay their fair share.And it's on tape.
"I'd like to see everyone pay their fair share," said McMahon. "Forty-seven percent of the people today don't pay any taxes, so let's have a fair tax code where everybody pays their taxes."
Of course, the tax code needs to be reformed, she says, but she also says the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy have to be maintained. Of course she thinks that. She and her husband made $30.5 million in 2010 alone, making her platitudes about the people who struggle even more obscene.
McMahon's still trying to pull the wool over Connecticut voters' eyes, and trying to run like hell from the top of her ticket. Don't let her. Help Chris Murphy get the word out about what Linda McMahon really believes.
Please send Chris Murphy $3 on ActBlue.
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