Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mitch McConnell moves the goal posts

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) makes a point about his meeting with President Barack Obama regarding the country's debt ceiling, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington May 12, 2011.   REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst   (UNITED STA McConnell today: Insisting on spending cuts and revenue to replace sequester is moving the goal posts.
McConnell 2011: Republicans support a "package of spending cuts and revenue" to replace the sequester. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says President Barack Obama is moving the goal posts by insisting on revenue being part of any deal to replace the budget sequester's automatic spending cuts, but in 2011 McConnell himself publicly supported including revenue as part of a plan to replace the automatic spending cuts.

McConnell made his claim in a Senate floor speech delivered Tuesday morning. According to McConnell, when President Obama signed the legislation creating the sequester in the summer of 2011, he agreed to take revenue increases off the table:

In essence, the deal we struck was that, in exchange for avoiding a second vote before the election, the debt limit would be paired with spending cuts only, and would not involve a tax increase.
Therefore, McConnell said, "any effort to bring taxes into the picture now is just a ploy to move the goal posts."

As you'll see below the fold, however, McConnell is the one moving the goal posts by insisting on a cuts-only replacement of the sequester. In fact, in 2011, McConnell said the GOP had proposed a "package of spending cuts and revenue."

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