Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meet the two weenie Democrats who are cool with violence against not-straight, not-white women

two hot dogs in buns Reps. Lipinski and McIntyre First, the good news. The House finally'finally'reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act. Hooray! And it's the bipartisan version from the Senate, the one the president has promised to sign, the one that includes protection for all women, not just straight white ladies. Hooray some more!

Now here's the bad news: We have a turncoat in our midst. Two of them, in fact: Reps. Mike McIntyre and Dan Lipinski. Now, McIntyre hails from the very red 7th district in North Carolina, where President Obama won a whopping 39.9 percent of the vote. He's a bad guy, to be sure, but you can't expect much from a Democrat in a district that red. Heck, you have to wonder how he managed to win the seat at all.

But Lipinski? Lipinski cast his Republicanesque vote from the comfort of his nice, safe blue 3rd Congressional District in Illinois, where the president won 55.9 percent of the vote in 2012, and where Lipinski has no excuse for voting with Republicans except that he's a son of a bitch who likes voting with Republicans. Especially when it comes to their War on Women. He's had a zero percent rating from NARAL for most of his career in Congress, though he somehow managed to improve that by a whole 10 points in 2011. He voted against the Affordable Care Act. He's voted repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood. Basically, he's not a fan of women, their health care, or the programs that help combat violence against them. So he's a great soldier in the War on Women'for the Republicans.

These two turncoats did ultimately vote for the final version of the bill, so they each get an eighth of a point for that (to be shared between them). But then, 87 Republicans managed to suck it up and vote for the final version too, which makes Lipinski and McIntyre as good as, well, those Republicans.

McIntyre may be untouchable in his district, but Lipinski? He has no excuse. If he's so devoted to helping Republicans fight their War on Women, he has no business holding that seat. It's time to kick him to the curb and make sure this session of Congress is his last.

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