Thursday, February 28, 2013

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Gun violence, the voting rights act and more

Maggie Fox, NBC News:
Let us study gun violence, physicians beg Congress

'Allow me as a medical doctor, when I see a patient and I talk to them about the risks of excess alcohol, or tobacco use, or safe sex, morbid obesity, seat belts, texting and driving, can I talk to them about the risk of gun violence, please?' Begg asked.
Begg asked Congress to ban assault weapons, high capacity ammunition magazines and semi-automatic rifles. 'People say the overall number of assault weapons deaths is small. Please don't say that to the people of Tucson or Columbine or Aurora or Virginia Tech and don't tell that to the people of Newtown,' he said to applause from the audience in the hearing room.

'This is a tipping point. And this is a public health issue.'

Indeed it is. They interviewed me as well in the story. It really is a public health issue. And this weekend, I hope to interview one of the founders of the United Physicians of Newtown group to talk more about what the Newtown docs think.

Greg Sargent:

Bloomberg's PAC wasn't the only group that sought to swing the race. A number of liberal organizations and online groups also got involved: CREDO Super PAC did on the ground organizing against Halvorson; DailyKos raised money for her; Democracy for America also raised money and contributed phone banking; and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee did some last minute organizing. The success of this effort is likely to encourage such groups to look for other 'gun rights' Dems to target.

'As long as Democrats and Republicans keep voting with the NRA instead of their constituents, you will see progressive groups like CREDO, DFA and the Daily Kos community continue to make the NRA a major factor in our election organizing ' including in Democratic primaries ' going forward,' Becky Bond, the president of the CREDO Super PAC, tells me.

Molly Ball:
5 False Assumptions Political Pundits Make All the Time
A really good read. And more good reads below the fold, but first, our own David Waldman on Australian tv at 18:30.

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