Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reid sticks by filibuster reform promise, has backing of the public

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) (R) is photographed as he talks to reporters about the senate's vote on debt ceiling legislation at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, August 2, 2011. Congress buried the specter of a debt default by finally pass Sen. Harry Reid Hissy fits by Sen. Mitch McConnell and pearl-clutching by the punditry (and a handful of stubborn Democrats) have so far not deterred Sen. Harry Reid from continuing to push filibuster reform.
'There are discussions going on now, but I want to tell everybody here: I'm happy, I've had a number of Republicans come to me and a few Democrats,' the Democratic majority leader told reporters Tuesday afternoon. 'We're going to change the rules. We cannot continue in this way. So I hope we can get something Republicans will work with us on.

'But it won't be a handshake,' Reid added. 'We tried that last time; it didn't work.'

He has additional momentum in this new National Journal poll, which shows a plurality of voters, 49-42, in support of Senate reform.
Chart showing results from National Journal poll on filibuster reform. 12/2012 With public support, and the new Democratic senators joining the caucus in January, Reid's confidence in being able to enact reform is pretty well-founded.

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