Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Palin apologizes for name-calling, then calls Obama a socialist because she's Palin

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin fixes her hair as she addresses the American Conservative Union's annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, February 11, 2012.  REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst   (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) I'm not as dumb as I look.
Nope, I'm a whole lot dumber. Oh, Sarah. If you didn't exist, we'd have to invent you because you just never stop being hi-larious:
Sarah Palin is apologizing for telling Republicans to not be 'wusses' when it comes to the debate over taxes and spending.

'Well, I guess I shouldn't call politicians names, so I apologize for calling the wobbly ones wusses,' the former Alaska governor said Monday on Fox News's 'Hannity.' She added, 'Because that distracts from the point that has to be made. and the point is that we are a bankrupt country.'

WHAT?!?!? Sarah Palin realized that name-calling is not a productive way to have a conversation? Is this a new, more mature, more diplomatic Sarah Palin? Did someone hit her on the head or something? Should we be concerned?

Of course not! It was obviously a momentary lapse, nothing more, because she immediately proceeded to demonstrate that she is still good ol' dumb-as-dirt Sarah, edumacating us morons on how President Barack Obama is going to destroy 'Merica with his socialism, which leads to communism:

Again, that gets us towards socialism. What goes beyond socialism'is communism. I know I'm going to get slammed for speaking so bluntly about what's going on here, but that's exactly what is going on.
Yup. That's what's going on. We're heading toward socialism, which will lead us to communism, which apparently is even worse than socialism, and anyone who slams Sarah for saying that is doing so because they can't handle the blunt truth to power she's spouting.

Oh, and as for her brilliant epiphany that calling politicians names is maybe not a good idea? Yeah, you know that lightbulb went dim in about three seconds:

'That's a very scary thought because Barack Obama is a socialist.'
Hey, doesn't calling the president a socialist distract from the point of ... uh ... wait? What was her point again? That the president is a socialist? Something like that.

As always, thanks for the laughs, Sarah.

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