Saturday, December 1, 2012

Open thread: Norquist, racism and dying children

What's coming up on Sunday Kos ...

  • What Simpson-Bowles has to say about health care spending reform (it's less than you think), by Greg Dworkin
  • The American System: the economic genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Mark Sumner
  • No, raising the Social Security retirement age is not a good idea, by Laura Clawson
  • Norquist's loss is not the Democrats' gain, by Dante Atkins
  • Ending racism ' one person at a time, by Denise Oliver Velez
  • Take military and veterans benefits off the Grand Bargain table, by brooklynbadboy
  • Hey America: Can you please stop killing our innocent Black male children now, by Shanikka
  • Lucky to have a job, by Mark Andersen

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