Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not breaking: Mitt Romney flip-flops yet again. This time, about a TV show.

Mitt Romney flip flopping heads Mitt flip-flopped on something again? Must be a day that ends in "y." You know it's been a very, very bad day, week ... er, month for Mitt Romney when his patented flip-flop on something stupid is barely newsworthy. Romney would probably love to go back to the days of just seeing "flip-flop" in the headlines. But he is, after all, Mitt Romney, flip-flopper extraordinaire, so let's give him a little reprieve from the non-stop hammering on his humiliation at the Republican National Convention, his despicable and false attack on the president while Americans were under attack in Libya, his caught-on-video disdain for 47 percent of America, his sinking poll numbers'and of course, those still-lingering questions about his taxes.

Romney in May:

"'The View' is high risk because of the five women on it," Romney said at the time. "Only one is conservative and four are sharp-tongued and not conservative, Whoopi Goldberg in particular. Although the last time I was on the show, she said to me, 'You know what? I think I could vote for you.' And I said, 'I must have done something really wrong.'"
And now:
The governor has been to "The View" and had a wonderful visit, and his team confirms this morning that the Romneys would love to once more join the sharp-tongued chatter in October.
Being Mitt Romney, the man who can turn a simple photo-op with our allies into an international crisis, he's now getting bested by the "sharp-tongued" women of The View, including by'dear sweet lord'Sherri Shepherd, who not only doesn't believe in evolution, but also thinks maybe the earth is flat:
"This is just pre-season," Shepherd said. "If you can't handle four sharp-tongued women, how are you going to handle the country?"
Good question.

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