Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012 Democratic convention live, #10

The Democratic National Convention 2012: We're winning Watch live video here and join the conversation as we live blog the 2012 Democratic convention 8:04 PM PT: "Big Dog" trending, without a hashtag.
— @maddow via web

8:04 PM PT: I'll guarantee you Mitt Romney wishes he could strop the big dog to his roof and drive him to Canada.

8:05 PM PT: "Let me ask you something. Are we better off because President Obama fought for health care reform? You bet we are."

8:08 PM PT: Clinton tears apart the $716 billion Romney-Ryan Medicare lie. Says when he heard Paul Ryan slam it: "I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because that $716 billion, is the same amount, to the dollar, that he had in his own budget. You got to admit one thing. It takes some brass to attack a guy for what you did." Brings down house again.

8:09 PM PT: Clinton is so damn good. No wonder they were so scared of him that they impeached him.

8:09 PM PT: I don't think Bill Clinton is ever going to stop. And I don't want him to.

8:11 PM PT: Okay, I'm convinced. I'm voting for Barack Obama. Damn, this is a great speech.

8:11 PM PT: I wonder how Romney & Ryan feel right now for spending all summer building Bill Clinton up
— @downwithtyranny via web 8:14 PM PT: The Teleprompter just ejected itself from the arena.
— @ddayen via web

8:14 PM PT: "Now, let's talk about the debt." He is just getting started. Good, it'll give us enough time to come up with a plan to repeal the 22nd Amendment.

8:16 PM PT: This is special stuff. I mean, have Republicans ever had a president who could talk this long, this intelligently about politics and policy, at least in the television era?

8:17 PM PT: Dude is talking about Medicaid, budgets, work requirements ... and it is genuinely fun. No one else can do that.
— @drgrist via TweetDeck

8:20 PM PT: "We simply can't afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle-down."

8:21 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.

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