Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Union 2013: #2

President Obama delivers 2011 State of the Union (Photo: Jim Young, Reuters) Watch it online or on TV. Talk about it here.

6:00 PM PT: The first lady and now the president's cabinet have entered the chamber.

6:02 PM PT: Vice President Biden's green ribbon is for the victims of the Newtown shooting.

6:05 PM PT: No @Politico, Gabby Giffords and Ted Nugent aren't comparable. Sigh. #SOTU
— @KarlFrisch via Twitter for iPhone

6:09 PM PT: Looks like we're getting close to the moment were the president is introduced.

6:10 PM PT: "Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States."

6:11 PM PT: Eric Cantor, Harry Reid, Pat Leahy, Nancy Pelosi, and Kevin McCarthy trail behind the president.

6:12 PM PT: Imagine if a rapper had 1. Threatened the President 2. Brandished assault rifles 3. Got invited to the SOTU 4. Showed up in jeans. #Nugent
— @anildash via Twitter for iPhone

6:13 PM PT: Proposal for a hashtag for a very bored media: #EngelSnub.

6:15 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.

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