Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Psssst ... Biden. Can you have a word with the boss about promises?

Joe Biden and President O'Bama high-five Yeah, that's right. You won the election. Now live up to the promises that got you there. What a difference four months and an election makes. From Aug. 14, 2012:
Vice President Joe Biden told cafe patrons in Virginia on Tuesday that he could "guarantee" he and President Obama would allow no changes to Social Security.


"Hey, by the way, let's talk about Social Security," Biden said after a diner at The Coffee Break Cafe in Stuart, VA expressed his relief that the Obama campaign wasn't talking about changing the popular entitlement program.

"Number one, I guarantee you, flat guarantee you, there will be no changes in Social Security," Biden said, per a pool report. "I flat guarantee you."

Tell President Obama to live up to his team's "flat guarantee" about Social Security and take cuts in the program off the table.

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