Monday, December 24, 2012

How did Mitt Romney decide when to concede defeat? By watching Fox. And listening to Karl Rove.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney speaks at his Illinois primary night rally in Schaumburg, Illinois, March 20, 2012. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES  - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) Painfully hilarious:
Arriving at his suite in the Westin Boston Waterfront ­hotel, Romney received regular updates from his staff. He made small talk about the Patriots and the Celtics and played with his grandchildren. He was about to concede around 11:15 p.m when Republican strategist Karl Rove made his now-infamous appearance on Fox News Channel, insisting that his own network was wrong in calling Ohio for the president.

The concession call was canceled, followed by an hour of uncertainty. Then, after Fox ­executives dismissed Rove's concerns and stood by the network's projection, Romney said: Call the president.

So, if you were wondering whether Mitt Romney actually believed all the right-wing nonsense that he spewed throughout the campaign, I guess this is a pretty big clue to the answer: yes, he did. He really was that far inside the bubble.

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