Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy movies and Chinese food day!

It's a tradition as old as time. Or at least as old as movies. For some, it's a day to gather 'round the tree, drink nog, sing along with Bing Crosby, and thank mom for those new socks you totally needed. For the not-tinsel-inclined among us:

Many Jews go out for Chinese food on Christmas. In fact, Justice Elena Kagan mentioned this in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings: when a senator asked her where she was on Christmas, she said, "You know, like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant." Someone even wrote a song about Jews eating Chinese Food On Christmas. The Chinese do not celebrate Christmas any more than we do, so most Chinese restaurants are open on Christmas. In Philadelphia and New York, there are several kosher-certified Chinese restaurants to choose from, so that even the most observant Jew can eat Chinese on Christmas.
So, for those who don't celebrate Christmas, what are you doing today? Movies? Chinese food? Die Hard marathon?

And remember:

One of the underreported miracles at the first Christmas is that Joseph and Mary weren't eating Chinese food.
' @LOLGOP via TweetDeck

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