Saturday, December 8, 2012

Demand Stephen Colbert for U.S. Senate

Tweet @nikkihaley & tell her why I belong in the US Senate. For one, I wouldn't just block legislation, I'd body-check it! #SenatorColbert
' @StephenAtHome via SocialOomph I know everyone in the Daily Kos community is sad that Jim DeMint (R-SC) is leaving the U.S. Senate at the end of the year in order to head up the Heritage Foundation. However, this unfortunate event is actually an opportunity to make something awesome happen: U.S. Senator Stephen Colbert.

Sign the petition to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, demanding she appoint Stephen Colbert to fill the soon-to-be vacant U.S. Senate seat in South Carolina.

Here are three reasons why Stephen Colbert should be the next U.S. senator from South Carolina:

  1. He's Stephen Colbert.
  2. He's not Jim DeMint.
  3. He's also not the barbeque chain owner that Gov. Haley is apparently considering.

Need any other reasons? I didn't think so. So visit the website, follow the movement on Twitter, and sign the petition demanding Gov. Haley appoint Stephen Colbert to the U.S. Senate.

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