Tuesday, December 18, 2012

C & J: Tuesday


A Word?

There's a list of literally thousands of reasons why America's coolest people depend on Daily Kos every day. And given that PolitiFact just rated the previous sentence "Pants On Fire," you know it must be, at minimum, "Mostly True."

There's also a long list of reasons why it would be a wise and warm-hearted decision on your part to invest in a Daily Kos subscription for yourself or as a gift to a fellow Kossack. But a comment I read yesterday is a thousand times more poignant than any list:

Cheers to the good folks on Kos who keep me sane during difficult days like these...I read countless diaries and comments that move me, inspire me, make me fight for a better future, make me smile....thank you. All.
That's it. That's us. That---^^^^up there^^^^---in 40 plain-spoken words in the voice of Morgan Freeman (that's how I hear it, anyway) summing up the Great Orange Satan. Beautiful.

As I understand it, internet advertising is getting so micro-carved-up that it's now more challenging to raise the revenue needed to keep DKos firing on all cylinders. Think of it as our own fiscal curb/slope, except we lack the authority to raise taxes on billionaires. So now Daily Kos---to coin a phrase---depends on the generosity of viewers like you.

When you become a Daily Kos subscriber (or when you gift a subscription to a fellow Kossack), the perks are many:

Daily Kos logo True Fact: This site was supposed to be called
Solid Yak, but the letters got mixed up
during the typesetting process.
> You can throw a cloak of invisibility over the site ads.

> You get exclusive access to e-books, including Hunter's The Chronicles of Mitt, which may damn well win a Cheesygritzer Prize next year.

> I'd put the talent Markos has assembled here up against anyone. From labor to elections to polling to women's issues to BREAKING NEWS and everything in between, they rock. They're Bloggerdom's A-List, and for every six months you spend reading them, your brain grows a new lobe.

> I use the new DKos photo library like a fiend. You have total access to it, too.

> Daily Kos Radio is on the air!

> The home page now doubles as a quick and effective facial tanner. [CAUTION: To avoid retina burn, never stare directly at the home page.]

> More more more: more polls, more activism, more comics, more Birkenstocks-on-the
ground reporting to keep this place a hotbed of liberalism clothed in immense power!

> And for our cat readers: you'll enjoy the thrill of moving your mouse with your right paw while batting at the flitting cursor with your left. Hours of fun!

The way I see it, you're here for a reason. No, actually I'm guessing you're here for a bunch of reasons. If those reasons---news, opinion, community, personalities, activism and pie come to mind---are of value to you, please consider supporting this joint during our annual fundraiser. There are big plans afoot, and with your support they can be unleashed on the world sooner rather than later. (A good thing, too, because the Kraken keeps chewin' on our furniture.)

If you'd like to be a real-life Santa Kos and give a subscription as a gift, you'll find an updated list of worthy recipients in Navajo's New Day diaries. Otherwise, choose from the magic buttons below to donate or subscribe. And thank you. I always liked you best.

And as usual, C&J starts below the fold...

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