Friday, September 21, 2012

Warren-Brown debate: On substance and style, Warren wins

This snippet from last night's debate between Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Scott Brown really encapsulates the theme of the evening, and of the larger issues at stake in this national election.

I'm concerned about how the Senator has voted. And he has voted that billions of dollars of your tax money should go to the oil industry. They're already making big profits. That's not where tax payer money should go. This is really about how we're going to solve our financial problems. And giving breaks to those at the top to those who are already making billions of dollars in profits? That's not how we solve our financial problems. That's not how we get this economy started again. This is a real difference between the senator and me. This is really about whose side you stand on. He has made it clear. He stands with subsidies for the oil companies, he stands for breaks for the billionaires, he stands for the top folks getting special deals. I am out there for working families and small businesses. That is why I am in this race.
That was the substance of the debate, essentially, in which Warren was pretty effective in making her point that yes, Scott Brown really is, and votes like, a Republican. It also blunted Brown's sometimes nastily personal and frantic attempts to paint Warren as "The Professor," as he insisted on calling her the entire debate, as some kind of radical, saying she was "obsessed with raising taxes." It just didn't work, because standing on the side of working families and small businesses just isn't radical.

But how did the local press see the debate?

(Continue reading below the fold)

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