Friday, September 21, 2012

Tommy Thompson worried that Mitt Romney will drag him down

This is one worried Republican Senate candidate, Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin.

Reporter: Thompson hopes Romney's sagging numbers don't bring him down as well.

Thompson: The presidential thing is bound to have an impact on every election, you know, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican. If your standard-bearer for the presidency is not doing well, it's going to reflect on the down ballot.

Thompson should be worried, not just because Romney is tanking and because Tammy Baldwin is surging. He needs to worry because he's on the losing side of the 47 percent debate.
Goal Thermometer
Wisconsin GOP Senate candidate Tommy Thompson [...] stood by his party's presidential nominee.

"I think that that is taken out of context," said Thompson when asked by Fox News about Romney's comment.

"What Gov. Romney is saying is that we'll be willing to help people but they have got to help themselves and they have got to be able to stand up and take what is offered and be able to make something out of it," he said. "I think a much more telling thing is what President Obama is saying, that he wants to redefine and to reassign the profits and the assets from one person to another. The redistribution, I think, is much worse of a position to be in than what Gov. Romney is."

Good luck spinning that one, Thompson. And stay worried. Your side is losing.

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