Saturday, September 15, 2012

This week in the War on Women: Lady-Americans still totally not into Romney

Things just keep getting worse for Mitt Romney on the lady voters front.

As Markos wrote, that pesky gender gap just won't go away'despite the laughably sad attempt, at the Republican National Convention, to assure lady voters that Republicans totally love women. No, really, they do!

But lady voters aren't buying it:

As the ad above shows, Planned Parenthood is doing its part to spread the word on just how devastating a Romney presidency would be. This ad is the latest in a series of brutal, and highly effective, ads targeting voters in battleground states. Planned Parenthood is spending $3.2 million to run this ad in Ohio and Virginia, and if it works half as well as similar ads in Florida and Iowa, Romney may as well start working on his concession speech right now.

Romney has only himself to blame, of course. He chose to join the Republican war on women by supporting the Blunt amendment (after being really confused about it) because birth control makes Catholic bishops sad. He vowed to support a constitutional amendment defining an egg as a person. He promised to get rid of Planned Parenthood. He picked the poster boy of anti-woman extremism as his vice presidential running mate.

No matter how many times his wife says she loves women and Mitt loves women and women are stupid if they don't vote for Mitt, it's not going to work. Because Romney and the Republican Party are bad for women. And women voters know it. And in November, they're going to send that message, loud and clear.

Now let's make sure the rest of the Republican Party gets the message. It's time to end the War on Women. Donate $3 to each of our Daily Kos-endorsed women running for the House and Senate so they can go to Washington to stand up for women and end this damned war.

This week's good, bad and ugly below the fold.

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