Friday, September 21, 2012

Conservatives still not feeling the love for Mitt Romney

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE IS 3 OF 18 TO ACCOMPANY SPECIAL REPORT ROMNEY/HEALTHCARE. SEARCH KEYWORD Conservatives are still doubting this guy's credentials? I can't imagine why. What does Mitt Romney have to do to get conservatives to like him? He's proposing massive tax cuts for the wealthy, he thinks Wall Street's main problem is that there are just too many darn regulations, and he just was caught on tape trashing half of the entire country as lazy moochers. Does he have to trash 60 percent of the country? Eighty percent? Just what will make these people less crabby?
Club for Growth President Chris Chocola, a key free-market voice, Thursday warned that Mitt Romney hasn't made the case that he is a 'pro-growth' candidate and that his positions on free trade and other issues have given conservatives pause this year.
Good Lord, they actually want more? I suppose Mitt could call for re-institutionalizing slavery (we'll start out small, just allowing it in the outlying territories, then work our way back up), but short of that I'm not sure what other pro-big-business panders he can offer. It is interesting that even the Club For Growth isn't keen on Mitt's China-bashing, though:
'I think he has the potential to exceed expectation. But it's a mixed bag with Romney, that's his problem. People don't really know,' Chocola explained, noting that his recent attacks on the nation's trading relationship with China 'gives us cause for concern. He knows better [but] he says what he says.'
Poor Mitt. I don't think there's anything that will get "true conservatives" on board, at this point.

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