Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stop saying the Romney marriage is fake!

Republican presidnetial nominee Mitt Romney and his wife Ann sit in their hotel room while watching the second session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida August 28, 2012.   REUTERS/Brian Snyder STOP SAYING THEIR MARRIAGE IS FAKE! Oh, you didn't say that? Okay they. Carry on. I noted this earlier, but I'm still shaking my head about it. From Ann Romney's speech last night:
What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.
Thanks for clarifying that, Ann! But, uh, why?

Was this notion supposed to be controversial, pushback against a scurrilous lie that Ann and Mitt weren't actually married? Did half the Democratic Party believe that their marriage certificate was a forgery? Was a Arizona Vermont sheriff wasting public resources "investigating" their marriage credentials and declaring them invalid? Was Donald Trump George Soros going around demanding that the media better investigate the Romney's marriage pedigree?

Was all of this going on, so deep under the radar that I had completely missed it?

Because as far as I knew, everyone had generally stipulated that yes, the Romneys are married, and will continue to be married until Ann starts hating Mitt as much as the rest of us, or wherever the hell they actually live passes a Constitutional amendment banning human-cyborg unions.

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