Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mitt Romney's sister claims he's practically pro-choice

Mitt Romney flip flopping heads Mitt Romney's campaign must a be a bit more worried about that gaping gender gap than they're letting on. Why else would Romney's sister be out there insisting that Mitt is darn near pro-choice?
Mitt Romney would never make abortions illegal as president, Jane Romney said when Convention Daily asked her about the subject after a "Women for Mitt" event. "He's not going to be touching any of that," she said. "It's not his focus."

Because as everyone knows, crossing "be president" off his bucket list is Mitt's only real focus. But I digress ...

So, by not touching that, does Jane mean how he'd be "delighted" to sign a bill banning all abortions? Or how he supports a Human Life Amendment (a.k.a. sacred sperm) and is "absolutely" in favor of a constitutional amendment defining life as beginning at conception? Or is she just acknowledging that her brother is a pandering flip-flopper who will say and do anything to get elected (for Pete's sake)? But let's move along.

Democratic warnings that abortion rights are under threat are an ungrounded fear tactic, Jane Romney said. "That's what women are afraid of, but that's conjured," she said.
Yes, conjured up by the current Republican Congress who have introduced 54 abortion bills. It's ungrounded magic! And never mind Mitt's choice of Paul Ryan for the ticket'after all, it's not like he ever co-sponsored a bill that would define legitimate, forcible rape or anything.

Just ignore all that because Jane says:

A ban on abortion is "never going to happen" under a Romney administration, Jane Romney said. "Women would take to the streets. Women fought for our choice, we're not going to go back."
Uh, Jane? Let's get ready to rumble.

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