Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hey, RNC, about that debt clock prop?

Goposaur upside down In his two minutes of fame at the Republican National Convention, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz sounded a theme that you're going to be hearing an awful lot of out of this crowd, epitomized by their main prop, the debt clock.
"America is in trouble," Chaffetz started. "Each day we spend more than $600 million. Excessive regulations choke businesses, our tax code punishes success, discourages entrepreneurs and stifles growth. President Obama's solution: more government, more taxes. This is not the American dream. Our nation is not just one good tax increase away from prosperity."
Here's just a little reminder for Chaffetz and crew, courtesy of Ezra Klein. This is our economic disaster:
Chart showing debt contributors And look at that huge chunk of our public debt that comes from the Bush tax cuts. The tax cuts Republicans will seemingly fight to the death to defend. As Ezra points out, nothing else the Congress has passed has added as much to the debt, or will continue to add to the debt if it's not altered.

So the GOP can take its debt clock prop and shove it.

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