Friday, August 31, 2012

Micky 'The Fighter' Ward KOs Scott Brown

Boxer Micky Ward Micky Ward, no longer a Scott Brown fan. Scott Brown's reelection campaign in Massachusetts relies heavily on one thing: his purported love for all things local sports. So his campaign was thrilled with the big coup they were going to announce today: the endorsement of beloved Lowell boxer Micky Ward, of "The Fighter" fame, at an event scheduled at Ward's favorite gym. He used the pending endorsement as a cheap shot against opponent Elizabeth Warren.
'My message to Professor Warren is, 'I'm right here.' She's running against Scott Brown, not Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan,' Brown said to WBZ-TV. 'And I'll be back tomorrow getting Mickey Ward's endorsement. She's welcome to come up to Lowell, if she can find it.'
Then a little wrinkle in those plans came up.
Reached on his cell, Ward said he admired Brown's spirit and respected the way he could 'go out there and listen and talk like a guy who is positive and wants to do right by us.' [...]

Roughly a half-hour after Ward confirmed he was backing Brown, 'The Fighter' called back. He said he had given his endorsement a little more thought.

'I can't support Scott Brown,' Ward said. 'I just can't do it.'

Within 30 minutes, Ward either did some Googling or someone close to him reminded him about where Brown stood on some hot-button political topics.

'I found out Scott (Brown) is anti-union and I'm a Teamster guy,' said Ward. 'I found out he's also against gay marriage and I say if you love someone you should have the same rights no matter who you are.'

Goal Thermometer

Very nicely said, Mr. Ward, and thank you for that. And damn, that's really left Scott Brown stinging.

But that's the thing with Brown. The more you get to know him, the better you understand that he's not what pretends to be. He's not "a guy who is positive and wants to do right by us," however much he can talk like one. He's just another homophobic and sexist Republican doing the bidding of Wall Street. We've got plenty of those in the Senate. It's definitely time for an upgrade.

Please donate $3 to Elizabeth Warren on ActBlue.

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