Sunday, February 17, 2013

eHarmony co-founder fears violent Christians will kill him

Square peg and a round hole Something else Mr. Warren can't figure out ... but mostly he's just a homophobic bigot.

It seems that Neil Clark Warren, the Christian co-founder of eHarmony, is "tired" of the marriage equality debate and wants to move past all the talk'not to mention the discrimination lawsuits against his company'and just accept that gay people will continue to sin and there's nothing he can do about it. Except:

"I have said that eHarmony really ought to put up $10 million and ask other companies to put up money and do a really first class job of figuring out homosexuality," he also noted. "At the very best, it's been a painful way for a lot of people to have to live."
Someone needs to tell Mr. Warren to put away that $10 million because an answer is just a google away. Oh, unless he meant he wanted to figure out why people insist on sinning being born. In which case he's just a homophobic bigot who, ironically, has much more to fear from his fellow-Christians:
"When the attorney general of the state of New Jersey decided that we had to put up a same-sex site and we did it out of counsel that if we didn't do it we were not going to have any business in New Jersey ' we literally had to hire guards to protect our lives because the people were so hurt and angry with us, were Christian people, who feel that it's a violation to scripture," Warren, who deemed himself a "passionate follower of Jesus" in the interview, added.
Maybe he should use that $10 million on figuring out why these alleged Christians are so prone to violence ... or, barring that, to continue paying for all the security apparently needed to protect himself from his fellow, passionate followers of Jesus.

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