Sunday, February 17, 2013

Toi Hutchinson to drop out of IL-02 race

Screenshot of Project VoteSmart gun control ratings for Illinois state senator Toi Hutchinson Rich Miller at Capitol Fax has the scoop:
This just in'
Saturday, Feb 16, 2013

* 8:52 pm - A top source close to Sen. Toi Hutchinson's congressional campaign confirmed widespread rumors tonight that Hutchinson will likely drop out of the 2nd District special primary race on Sunday.

The reasons are many, including Mayor Bloomberg's decision to point his massive super PAC right at Hutchinson while backing rival Robin Kelly.

Goal ThermometerTo date, over 5,000 members of this community donated to Robin Kelly's campaign, helping to raise some $100,000. Daily Kos members make up 85% of her total donors.

With Hutchinson dropping out, we have a real chance at sending a true anti-NRA candidate to Congress. There's less than two weeks until the special election. Debbie Halvorson, rated "A" by the NRA, is spending her time complaining to right-wing media and taking concealed carry lessons.

Let's spend our time getting Robin over the finish line.

Click here to volunteer for Robin Kelly's campaign.

Donate now and help fund these last few important days of the campaign.

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