Sunday, February 17, 2013

Illinois Republican complains that marriage equality discriminates against bigots

Illustration of a person being crushed by a giant foot Sure is getting harder and harder for the bigots, isn't it? On Thursday, Illinois's state Senate voted to legalize marriage equality. And while the bill faces tougher opposition in the House, the governor has promised to sign it into law if it passes the legislature, which would make Illinois the 10th state to legally undermine the sanctity of Newt Gingrich's three marriages.

So of course we can hear the last desperate gasps of bigotry, like from state Sen. Kyle McCarter (R-of course), who took to Facebook:

To redefine marriage is discriminatory towards those who hold the sincerely held religious belief that it is a sacred institution between a man & a woman.
Waaaaah. These complaints are getting so tired, aren't they? Face it, homophobes: Equality is coming. It's coming to the Pentagon, it's coming to a state near you, and one day, it's going to be the law of the land everywhere, and your grandchildren are going to shake their heads in disbelief that there was ever a time when it was socially acceptable to hate people because of whom they love. So whine now if you must, but equality is definitely coming.


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