Police also closed the capitol, leaving many protesters shut out. Initially police claimed the capitol was closed because it was too crowded, but ultimately had to walk that back and admit that only some areas were too crowded. The building itself could definitely fit more people, if police weren't so eager to keep protesters out.
Gov. Rick Snyder, who until this lame duck session had repeatedly said that such a law was not on his agenda, held a press conference Thursday. Marcy Wheeler notes that:
Snyder and House Speaker Jase Bolger and Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville dodged repeated questions about whether Dick DeVos' funding had some influence on this decision (they answered by pointing to all the conversations they had with UAW President Bob King, avoiding the funding question entirely). Given all that dodging, I think it safe to assume that Dick DeVos just bought the right to force down wages $1,500 for every worker in this state (as right to work legislation has been shown to do in other states).Democratic legislators are seeking to put the brakes on passage of the law, but it looks like Republicans have the votes and are determined to do this—another Republican state legislature and governor keeping their plans to attack workers quiet during an election, then diving right in as soon as they can. The fact that this is happening during the lame duck session is just a bonus for them.
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