Saturday, December 22, 2012

President Obama and First Lady bring seasons greetings in weekly address

President Obama was joined by his better half in this morning's weekly address, as the First Couple wished all of America .... wingnuts, hold on to your tinfoil hats ... a Merry Christmas. And, of course, happy holidays.

For a special group of people, this year's holiday homecomings are of national significance, the president reminded listeners.

You see, the war in Iraq is over. The transition in Afghanistan is underway. After a decade of war, our heroes are coming home. And all across America, military families are reuniting.

So this week let's give thanks for our veterans and their families. And let's say a prayer for all our troops ' especially those in Afghanistan ' who are spending this holiday overseas, risking their lives to defend the freedoms we hold dear.

And the First Lady reminded us not just of military members during this season, but of their families, pointing to Joining Forces, a multi-resource program promoted by the First Lady and Jill Biden.

The president also shrugged off his commie-Muslim-Kenyan persona for the day, discussing Christ's birth, love, giving, faith and national unity::

For my family and millions of Americans, it's a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. To reflect on His life and learn from His example. Every year, we commit to love one another. To give of ourselves. To be our brother's keeper. To be our sister's keeper. But those ideas are not just part of our faith. They're part of all faiths. And they unite us as Americans.
In closing, President Obama referenced recent tragic events in the country, and asked for prayers.
And this year, I know many of you are extending that kindness to the families who are still picking up the pieces from Hurricane Sandy and your prayers to the people of Newtown, Connecticut.
To read the transcript in full, check below the fold or visit the White House website.

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