Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Obama admits he's already conceded more than warranted

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the fiscal cliff to members of the media in the White House Briefing Room December 19, 2012. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) You've capitulated enough, Mr. President. President Barack Obama, in his painfully bad press conference:
I have gone at least halfway in meeting some of the Republican concerns.
At least halfway? So he's admitted that he's already met them in the middle, and likely gone past the middle into Republican territory. And we're still two weeks out from the fiscal cliff deadline, with Republicans sitting around waiting for the inevitable further concessions Obama will make.

Who won the election, again?

Not that it matters that Obama has public opinion on his side. He had that in 2011 too, and pissed it away because of his pathological desire to find "consensus" regardless the cost.

People elected him not because of his leadership style, which earned terrible marks, but because they expected him to look out for them. He might want to validate those expectations.

Update: Sheesh, why didn't Obama say something like, "I made a more than fair deal. The GOP rejected it. So now I'm pulling the offer off the table and waiting to see what the GOP has to offer. Clock's ticking!" Instead, the GOP will bank the concessions he's already made, then demand more. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

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