Saturday, December 8, 2012

Maine Gov. Paul LePage blasts Democrats for ... videotaping him?

Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) Maine Gov. Paul LePage
  Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) is, for some reason, having an enormous cow over the tracker Maine Democrats have hired to videotape each of his public appearances. The key words here would be public appearances, so I confess I am not entirely sure why he considers it such a tremendous insult, but in this new post-"macaca" world I guess politicians are getting a bit more sensitive about such things. From the Bangor Daily News:
'I think it's vulgar, I think it's vicious, and I think it's vile to me and my family,' he said. 'I say that to you, for the lack of respect that the office of the governor of the state of Maine is receiving. Having said that, we have to go to work. I want to work with each and every one of you.'

LePage's remarks came a day after the governor called off an introductory meeting scheduled with the new Legislature's Democratic leaders, House Speaker Mark Eves and Senate President Justin Alfond, after the Democratic Party's tracker filmed him at a Veterans Day event last month and attended a Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce event Tuesday at which LePage was speaking.

Wait, your Chamber of Commerce speech got filmed? For other people to see? While you're in public office? Oh my goodness, it's like the public servant apocalypse, right there. I'm surprised Jesus himself didn't come down and punch that videographer right in the face. In any event, LePage is refusing to meet with the Main House and Senate leaders if they make their party stop taping the stuff he says in public.
A handful of fellow Republicans criticized LePage for bringing his dispute with a Democratic Party tracker to the Legislature's inaugural ceremonies.

'If you say you have respect for the institution and the constitution, then you ought to show some,' said Rep. Lance Harvell, R-Farmington. 'This fight he's having with his tracker, it doesn't belong here this day.'

It's unclear why LePage is having a meltdown about this, but apparently he is. Maybe he's prone to statements that he really would rather not see publicized? Maybe he thinks the Regional Chamber of Commerce is a holy place, and no mere videotape should intrude there? No clue. There must be some context here that we non-Maine folks are not privy to.

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