Friday, December 21, 2012

House Democratic leadership: Obama's 'more than halfway' offer is the new starting point

U.S. Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) (L) and Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) appear at a news conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, December 22, 2011. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst   (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) Hoyer and Van Hollen, let the real capitulating begin. David Nir's most pessimistic fears in the wake of last night's debacle in the House could be realized. The House Democratic Leadership held a press conference Friday, not to rub House Speaker John Boehner's nose in his failure, but to stress the need for going back to the negotiating table and working together in a bipartisan way.

Which is fine, what the markets might need to be hearing to calm down a bit today. However, Rep. Chris Van Hollen took that just too far.

Repeatedly stressing that President Obama has come "more than halfway" in meeting Boehner's demands, Van Hollen stressed that the last offer from Obama had to become the new starting point for renewed negotiations. Why should "more than halfway" be the new starting point? So Obama can go more than three-quarters of the way? Or like during the during debt ceiling fight, when he went 98 percent of the way?

This is just insane. The last offer from Obama gave far too much away, and was obviously a negotiating disaster. And that's where Van Hollen wants to start from now? Social Security cuts, less revenue, more pain should be the new starting point? That's apparently the united front we now have coming from House Democratic leadership. Because there's also Steny Hoyer appearing on MSNBC to suggest that what Boehner should do is what Mitch McConnell (!) suggested'have a majority vote in the House on President Obama's plan, because he says they have the Democratic votes to pass it.

The House Democratic leadership is doing its damnedest to give up whatever advantage they have in Boehner's massive failure. In what should be a complete reset of these talks, Van Hollen, and Hoyer, and Nancy Pelosi by appearing with them and letting this be the official Democratic House response, just told House Republicans that there is always more critical stuff Democrats will be willing to give up.

What happened to not negotiating with terrorists?

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