Sunday, December 16, 2012

Filibuster reform: Jon Kyl versus Jon Kyl

I said what, now? Was it intended to be a factual statement? Why is it so galling to see stuff like this from Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)?
Yet, today, Senator Reid has come to regard the same things he once championed as an inconvenience. And worse, he wants to allow a bare majority of senators to change the rules, rather than the two-thirds majority required by the Standing Rules of the Senate. In other words, he wants to break the rules to change the rules.

Allowing the Senate's majority party of the day ' Democrat or Republican ' to write its own rules would mean it could control everything, rendering the minority powerless. Without the filibuster, as noted, senators could be totally shut out of the amendment process.

Because this:

Senate Republicans

This document, produced by the Senate Republican Policy Committee in 2005, went out under the name of then-chairman Jon Kyl. And now, just as Senate Republicans are putting up "Stop the Nuclear Option" web pages like this one, they are taking down and "disappearing" ones like ... the former link to the pro-constitutional option paper shown above.

But yes, you can still find it, thanks to the Wayback Machine.

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