Saturday, September 22, 2012

This week in science: Fall

Sea Ice

Hey kids, looks like Christmas might have to be cancelled, forever. At least according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center:

Other leading ice scientists this week predicted the complete collapse of sea ice in the Arctic within four years. "The final collapse ... is now happening and will probably be complete by 2015/16," said Prof Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University.

Sea ice in the Arctic is seen as a key indicator of global climate change because of its sensitivity to warming and its role in amplifying climate change. According to Nsidc, the warming of Arctic areas is now increasing at around 10% a decade.

Congratulations are in order to assorted Kochwhores, AEI, and the rest of the depraved, immoral sociopathic deniars who have been proven dead wrong again and again and again: We couldn't have trashed the planet so fast without your enthusiastic help. May future history be merciful to you and your children's names.
  • Time mag has their best space porn of the year up!
  • Later today, in just a few hours, fall will fall. As someone who has suffered through southern summers all my life, I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
  • No More Mister Nice Blog speculates on what would happen if anti-vaxxers caught on among the usual suspects!
    It would spread like wildfire. A third of Americans simply wouldn't vaccinate their children, insisting that the health effects of vaccination are just a "theory." Every Republican in Congress would have to sign an anti-vaccine pledge. There'd be movements to make vaccines illegal in the red states, and dispensers of vaccines would be defunded in those states, and their offices would be shut down. Right

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