U.S. Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Tuesday introduced the Military Religious Freedom Act. The Wicker-Inhofe legislation explicitly outlines how the Defense of Marriage Act should be applied to the Department of Defense.This bill is obviously super important. As we all know, the military has now been brought to a dead standstill because President Obama is forcing military chaplains'who apparently believe in loving thy neighbor unless thy neighbor is gay, in which case, thy neighbor can just go burn in hell'to perform "marriage or marriage-like ceremonies." And except for how none of that is true, it's totally true! Which is why this bill is super important.Specifically, the bill would (1) prevent military chaplains from being forced to perform a marriage ceremony if the chaplain objects for reasons of conscience and (2) prohibit marriage or marriage-like ceremonies at military facilities that are not a union between one man and one woman.
The idea that members of the military need to be protected from the gays because otherwise they won't be able to fight wars and protect our freedom isn't new. In fact, for the members of Congress who think The Gay is so icky that they need to spend a lot of time sitting around thinking about The Gay, this type of legislation is something of an obsession.
Which is why Republicans are willing to take time out of their busy not-doing-much-except-thinking-about-abortion schedules to think about The Gay, which is obviously a huge sacrifice for them, since they think it is just so icky and freedom-undermining that they sort of can't stop thinking about it.
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