Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitt Romney asked Paul Ryan for one decade of tax returns

Chart showing Mitt Romney has only released one tax return in last two decades. Hey, remember the tax return issue? It's back:
As part of its vetting, the Romney campaign required at least some of the candidates on the short list'including the eventual winner of the GOP veepstakes, Ryan'to submit fully 10 years of tax returns, according to a knowledgeable source.
Actually, this isn't just the tax return issue it's also the one set of rules for Mitt, another set of rules for everyone else issue.

It's bad enough that Mitt Romney doesn't want to follow President Obama's lead and allow the public to see his tax returns. But by insisting on seeing the returns of his vice presidential candidates, Romney is implicitly acknowledging that even he thinks they are an important part of the hiring process for this job. And by not releasing that information to the public, he's implicitly acknowledging that he doesn't give a damn about the ability of regular Americans to make informed decisions about their vote this November. He only cares about himself.

7:30 AM PT: For Mitt's VP vetters, 10 yrs tax returns were good for the goose, but they still won't give America a gander at HIS!
— @davidaxelrod via Twitter for iPhone

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