Thursday, September 6, 2012

How to spot a winning candidate in two clouds

Usually, being the keynote speaker at a national convention means making the case for your party's nominee. Usually. But what happens when your party's nominee is so utterly despised by the party, and the keynote speaker is betting on that nominee losing so the keynote speaker can run for the job in four years?

You end up with the coma-inducing speech from Gov. Chris Christie. That Christie is from New Jersey is apparently more important to mention than, you know, the name of the nominee. But if you squint real hard, you might be able to find it.

Word cloud of Chris Christie's speech at RNC 2012 You can tell just how excited Republicans are about their nominee by how little they even bother to mention his name. Great advocacy for your ticket there, Republicans.

Former President Bill Clinton, please show them how it's done:

Word cloud of Bill Clinton's speech at DNC 2012 That's how you advocate for your nominee. By, you know, talking about him.

P.S. Don't even bother trying to find the name of the last Republican president in Christie's speech; you'll go blind.

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