A lot has been made this week of the fact that various polls and consultants advised Elizabeth Warren that she needed to change up her ad strategy. The campaign has apparently taken the advice to heart.
We can spot the real fighters here in this gym and Elizabeth Warren is a real fighter.I don't know about Scott Brown. He's been siding with the big money guys. Tax cuts for millionaires? That's not gonna help people around here.
I think Scott Brown is with the big corporations.
Elizabeth is different. She's fighting for people who are up against it. Working people, the middle class. She got heart, she got guts and she's not gonna back down.
It's a smart ad, centering Warren solidly in working class, blue-collar Massachusetts which in large part has been fooled by Scott Brown's "common-man-in-a-pick-up" schtick. It also cuts directly into the elitist, ivory-tower professor image Brown has been trying to brand Warren with.
But, even more, it will remind Massachusetts voters that local sports hero, boxer Micky Ward, withdrew his support from Brown when he found out what Brown had actually stands for.
'I found out Scott (Brown) is anti-union and I'm a Teamster guy,' said Ward. 'I found out he's also against gay marriage and I say if you love someone you should have the same rights no matter who you are.'The real Brown is a died-in-the-wool Republican who has made himself, and declared himself "crystal clear" on standing up for big monied interests. Warren's new ad will expose that, and not a moment too soon.
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