Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: The best summation yet of the Mike Grimm fundraising saga

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' NY-11: Whether you've been following the saga of Republican freshman Mike Grimm closely, or whether you only have a vague sense of the details of the fundraising scandal he's caught up in, I strongly encourage you to click through and read this AP story in its entirety. The article not only digs into some details which I don't believe have come to light previously, but it also places all the key players into context and gives the best summation of the entire sordid affair I've yet seen.

On the "new stuff" front, it turns out that several major Grimm contributors (including some who may have given more than the legal limit) are in the porn distribution business'and, weirdly, these people all got hooked in with Grimm because of their association with Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto. Strange company, right? Pinto, if you aren't familiar with him, is the guy who says he and his congregants were coerced into donating by Grimm and ripped off by the aide who facilitated the connection, the recently-arrested Ofer Biton.

But it turns out that Pinto himself (who, according to reports, has been interviewed many times by the FBI) is hardly some naïve, humble rabbi who let himself get taken advantage of by a once-trusted employee. In fact, Pinto (who divides his time between the US and Israel) was recently rated by Forbes as Israel's seventh-richest rabbi and has been linked to or accused of other sketchy business dealings himself. Again, though, you're going to want to read the full thing.

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