Monday, September 3, 2012

Cantor flummoxed in trying to explain Ryan's attacks on Medicare

Eric Cantor Who knew Eric Cantor had limits? House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, fellow "Young Gun" to Paul Ryan, is playing good soldier for the Republican team. He gamely joined in the Obama Medicare cut lie in an interview with Fortune at the convention, saying that Obama had taken "massive amounts of cash out of very popular programs like Medicare Advantage and the prescription drug program. [...] This directly impacts seniors."

But then Cantor got into a little trouble when he was asked, if that was the case, why Ryan included those same cuts in his own budget.

Asked about the inconsistency of Ryan attacking cuts his own plan embraced, Cantor begged off. "The assumption was that, um, the, the, ah, again ' I probably can't speak to that in an exact way so I better just not," he said.
When even a weasel like Eric Cantor can't and won't defend Ryan and Romney, they've gone just a little too far in pushing this lie.

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