Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Breaking: Fox News 'Democrats' think Obama should veer right

U.S. President Barack Obama smiles as he delivers his remarks on manufacturing in the United States during a visit to Master Lock in Milwaukee, Wisconsin February 15, 2012. Doing just fine without Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen, thank you very much. Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are at it again. Touting their decades-old credentials as Democratic pollsters, they've taken to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to advertise their own dubious polling services in the guise of concern trolling about the election. The subject this time? Same as it always is, in one form or another. President Barack Obama is doomed, dooooomed unless he veers sharply to the right.

To make this case they cite national polling and polling in "key battleground states" such as Missouri, North Carolina, Iowa, and Florida. Obama holds narrow leads in the latter two states, and Caddell and Schoen make no mention of other key battleground states such as Ohio, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, or Virginia. But Caddell and Schoen rely on this and a few other slender shards of public polling to argue that the president should basically become a Republican now, right away, or face certain defeat.

The specifics of their argument? Pfft. As compelling as their argument last November that Hillary Clinton should be the 2012 nominee, because Obama was just too divisive. As compelling as the time in July 2011 when Caddell joined with John McLaughlin to argue that Obama was doomed among Jewish voters. Polling done this summer puts Obama ahead of his 2008 polling among Jews at that time in the cycle. As compelling as Schoen's 2008 argument that if John McCain chose Joe Lieberman as his running mate he'd be a virtual lock for the presidency. That's just scratching the surface of the genius arguments these guys have pushed on us with the help of corrupt editorial pages from the Washington Post to the Wall Street Journal.

Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are (crappy) pollsters using editorial pages to advertise their own services. They're Fox News Democrats using their long-ago work for Democratic presidents to concern troll this Democratic president. They're a perfect example of how broken and corrupt certain leading editorial pages are'these guys get space why? And keep getting space no matter how wrong they've been time and time again? One thing they're not is worth taking seriously.

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