Thursday, September 6, 2012

Because the empty chair stunt worked so well, Republicans try it again

Apparently, it wasn't quite bad enough for Republicans last week to have the entire world laughing at them when Clint Eastwood lost a debate with an empty chair. So they decided to double down on that concept with an ad featuring a Republican talking to a cardboard cut-out of the president. Because that's totally not as crazy as talking to an empty chair.

At Buzzfeed, Zeke Miller points out this little gem of a fact:

But the woman in the video expressing frustration with the president is none other than RNC Director of Hispanic Outreach Bettina Inclan.
That's right. They can't even find someone who isn't on the Republican payroll to pretend to break up with cardboard cut-out Obama. It's so sad, it's embarrassing. Maybe next week, they can feature someone playing with an Obama voodoo doll.

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