Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bad news for Scott Brown: He has to debate tonight

There was the very slight possibility that the Senate would hold some votes tonight. Scott Brown jumped on that idea:

MASS. SENATE: Scott Brown says he will miss tonight's debate if he has to because of Senate votes... #mapoli

' @globeglen via TweetDeck But, just now on the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader popped that trial balloon.
Mr. Reid: Mr. President, we've had the stall here for several days now. I wanted to make sure that one of the Senators who wanted to go to a debate would be able to do that tonight. So he can go now, because as I announced a half-hour ago, plenty of time to do the debate.

Goal Thermometer

So there's plenty of time to catch his plane back to Boston. Good luck, Sen. Brown!

Here's the debate details:

Debate time: 7:00-8:00 ET
Watch and/or listen: The debate will stream live on (There's a rumor that it will also be on CSPAN, but it's not on today's schedule yet.)

Please donate $3 to Elizabeth Warren on ActBlue.


2:39 PM PT: Per Spirit of Life in comments, the debate will be on C-SPAN3 on the TV for those who have it in their package, and streaming.

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