Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Talk: Tread carefully

On Tuesday night, President Obama fulfilled one of his Constitutional responsibilities by reporting to Congress on the State of the Union (bottom line: it's strong/stronger).

Shortly after the president's speech'which was widely praised, both for its content and its tone'the GOP's great off-white hope, working class homeowner Marco Rubio, went on TV to deliver the party's official response (not to be confused with Rand Paul's Tea Party nonsense).

Maybe he was nervous about meeting the high standard set by SOTU responders like Bobby Jindal, Bob McDonnell and Paul Ryan, or maybe it was the hot lights he was under; whatever the case, Rubio soon found himself with a sweaty brow and a cotton mouth.

In desperate need of refreshment, he awkwardly lunged for a bottle of Poland Spring, and drowned in the process.

All things considered, that actually might've been the best possible outcome for him.

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