Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Union 2013: #1

President Obama delivers 2011 State of the Union (Photo: Jim Young, Reuters) Watch it online or on TV. Talk about it here.

5:33 PM PT: As you probably know, President Obama's first State of the Union address for his second term is scheduled to begin in about a half-hour, at 9:00 PM ET. We figured we'd kick things off a bit early. And as you also probably know, there's been a ton of breaking developments in the case of the fugitive ex-cop who has now killed four police officers. The cable news channels are all focused on a cabin in flames in which the suspect was believed to be. As a result, there's been almost none of the typical talking head jabber that you might expect before a State of the Union speech.

5:34 PM PT: By the way, you can watch online here. And don't forget, Obama's speech is really just a warmup act for The Great Republican Savior, Marco Rubio, who will deliver the GOP's response.

5:35 PM PT: Oh, speaking of GOP responses, did you know that Bob Dole gave the GOP response twice? And that Paul Ryan did once, in 2011? So Marco Rubio is really poised to join an illustrious cast of losers.

Bill Clinton gave the SOTU response in 1985. President Obama never has.

5:41 PM PT: I haven't seen the full text of the president's remarks, but I can confirm that he will in fact challenge Ted Nugent to face off against Kid Rock in a Guitar Hero marathon to be broadcast on the Navasota, Texas public access channel.

5:45 PM PT: Ted Nugent walking into #SOTU with jeans, camo boots, black button down and brown blazer--no tie.
— @LukeRussert via Twitter for BlackBerry® But tell us, Luke. What does it really mean?

5:46 PM PT: FiveThirtyEight is predicting a 53 percent chance that either Steve Stockman or Steve King will shout out "You lie, liar!"

5:54 PM PT: I sure hope Biden brought enough Kleenex for Boehner.

5:55 PM PT: I couldn't take any more of the cable chatter. Switched to C-SPAN.

5:58 PM PT: The Supreme Court just entered the House chamber.

6:02 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.

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