Wednesday, February 13, 2013

McCain flip-flops on filibustering Hagel

U.S. Republican Senators John McCain (L) and Lindsey Graham talk during the Fiscal Responsibility Summit at the White House in Washington February 23, 2009.       REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque   (UNITED STATES) John McCain and his best buddy, Lindsey Graham Last week, Sen. John McCain was all elder statesman, respecting the president's prerogative in making nominations and the Senate's role in providing advice and consent on those nominations. Blocking a cabinet nomination, McCain suggested, is just not done.
'I just do not believe a filibuster is appropriate, and I would oppose such a move,' Mr. McCain, a key Republican on military issues, told reporters, adding that he would press his colleagues on the matter.
So much for pressing his colleagues on the matter. In fact, so much for McCain's principled stand.
After saying just days ago that Senate Republicans shouldn't filibuster Hagel's nod, McCain now says he hasn't made up his mind about whether he would vote to end debate and allow a floor vote on the former Nebraska senator's confirmation. [...]

'I am awaiting the answer to see whether they are going to answer or not, then I will decide,' McCain said.

McCain appears to be aligning himself with his closest Senate friend, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has been demanding more information on Benghazi before a final Hagel confirmation vote.

So he's providing cover for his bestest buddy, who's only conducting this prolonged hissy fit because Benghazi is catnip to the teabaggers and he's trying to keep them from giving him a primary challenge in 2014. That's more important to John McCain, the lead negotiator in the filibuster "reform" plan cooked up to supposedly preserve the Senate as an institution, than doing his job.

Which proves, yet again, what a farce the Republicans created with their filibuster agreement, and why Harry Reid needs to reconsider. Please sign our petition urging Harry Reid to re-open the process of filibuster reform in the Senate.

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